Friday, August 15, 2008

ENDORSEMENT Fridays - take 3

YES!!! Take-3, 1st time on time...still getting better and better. John E. Rock Its endorses responsible agriculture and eating.
I'm talking about organic, free-range, sustainable, locally sourced, bio-dynamic(you knew vino had to be included right), eco-friendly, "green", grass fed, seasonal (tomatoes and squash are jamming now!), farm-to-table, hand picked goodies to be consumed by your personal temple aka YOUR BODY. Yes, I realize there is a capitalistic element to how these products are produced, marketed, and sold, but that's not the point! Do your due diligence and learn about what these terms mean and how they benefit you. Visit the farmers markets in your area and ASK QUESTIONS. Buy fresh produce from a grocery store chain, the same from Whole Foods, and SEE, SMELL, TASTE, & FEEL the difference. I used to be a silent critic and non-believer; but I'm now converted ya'll! I'm not an expert on this (surprise,surprise right!), but I can tell you where I sometimes get my "healthy" on IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD - Timor Bodega,
While I'm at it, shout outs to Everlasting Life and Soul Vegetarian on Georgia Avenue, the Bloomingdale Farmers Market (summertime Sundays till early fall), Whole Foods (for packaging the movement and educating people while giving so many options), to the Slow Foods movement, and all the earth and humanity conscious cooks (professional and not) in the WORLD.
Here's a little Australian vid about chickens & eggs - It's 9 minutos (not violent) and very informative about the process. Shout out to "Dudes on Food"

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