Wednesday, February 4, 2009

25 Things About John O.O.O Baiyewu aka JERI WonderS

For those of you not on Facebook...for THE WORLD ;-)

1. “I ain’t a killer but don’t push me”

2. I am truly my parents SUN…once you meet them, you really understand me

3. I have an alcoholic beverage every day…if I miss a day I make up for it on the next

4. I always get the girl…and then eventually lose them. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes not

5. I do care about what people think about me…but not necessarily to the extent for it to change who I am

6. I think of myself as a tragic superhero…it helps keep me going

7. When I was young, I got beat up on a bus by a girl named Kinte…She had such aggression towards me for being “so black” she said. Strange thing was she was DARKER than I was?

8. Continuation of #7 – I got beat up then because I don’t hit women…haven’t changed that still, and I haven’t been beat up since that incident

9. In Ohio, when I was in elementary school, I was at a friend’s house and crapped in my pants when we were going to the corner store. We were in the middle of nowhere. Very embarrassing when my parents picked me up

10. I REALLY learned how to ride a bike on 9/11/01…as I was “escaping” to a safe place in Washington, DC

11. I learned how to tread water at Marine Corps boot camp…with a rifle, back pack, and uniform on. Semper Fi!!!

12. More and more, I feel that if I get married and/or have children, both will be in so called “untraditional” ways to Western culture

13. I got my only tattoo the day after I graduated high school. I plan on getting quite a few in 2009

14. I’ve been in several terrible car accidents, have seen my life in flashbacks, and had visions from Angels guide me to safety each through each one

15. I believe my ear for music, sense of style, taste in food, way with words, people’s touch and understanding of fashion is far superior to most peoples, professionally and non…though I don’t always display it

16. Doesn’t happen often, but I’m not afraid to cry in front of ANYONE

17. I’m an only child, but have never been lonely

18. The first time I went to the school bus stop by myself, my father told me to go at “a quarter past…” I missed the bus by exactly 10 minutes, waited in the cold for awhile, cried, and went back home for the day

19. THE WORLD IS MY MEDIUM. I know where I am, and where I’m going to end; and I am loving the twists and turns in my MASTERPIECE of LIFE

20. I think there are very few places that dress codes are justified…and silly ass restaurant/lounge/club hybrids are not on that list

21. I am glad I gained some religious and spiritual awareness and foundation through Church; and I GIVE THANKS that my 3rd Eye was reawakened to realize that GOD is within and EVERYWHERE

22. I LOVE children, women, my homeboys, fairy’s, trees, aliens, wine, animals, fresh food, fresh air, water, mountain views, and psychedelic trips…I see a move to a coastline in my future

23. I find very few things to be good or bad…they just are…so what are you going to do about it?

24. I LOVE HARD, and at times pain hard; and I will NEVER CHANGE that

25. I am not tagging anyone because I feel like you’ve all been tagged already ;-) LOVE YOU

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